Thursday, December 22, 2011


For those of you who follow our blog, I apologize for giving you nothing to read over the past few weeks. I have come to that point where I realized I had NOTHING to write about. Writer's block. Then it hit me. My life seems pretty much...well...normal. It took about 5 months but the new normal is finally here.

Now don't get me wrong, I know with a baby your life is constantly changing, but as of right now, we are pretty much at a stand still. Just eating, peeing, pooping, playing, crying and sleeping and getting ready for the holidays.

I will say this to all new mommies that are behind us in the life timeline... it does get better, it does get easier, and you will find your new normal.

I am boring and I gotta say... I like it this way. The new mommy anxieties are slowly disappearing....notice the emphasis on slowly.

I laughed today thinking about old normal vs. new normal. I will share with you...

Old Normal=Being embarrassed for someone to see your goodies.
New Normal=Being embarrassed that everyone in the world has seen your goodies.

Old Normal=Being tired from date parties, crash studying, nights with
New Normal= Being exhausted from round' the clock feedings and screamfest 11'

Old Normal=Running and lifting weights to keep that bod in shape.
New Normal= Running to make a bottle and lifting a baby that breaks your back. (I know I shouldn't complain since I have a ‘tiny’ one!)

Old Normal=See a spider-scream, run, act like a lunatic and wait for Brandon to come home hoping it will still be in the same location so he can kill it.
New Normal=See a spider-scream, develop Mamma Bear courage, hit with Brandon's big shoe to protect Baby O while acting like a lunatic. Then hit a few more times to make sure the sucker is dead, still acting like a lunatic. THEN wait for Brandon to come home to clean up the mess.

Old Normal=Bathing on a normal basis and only occasionally using baby powder for greasy hair.
New Normal=Being dirtier than the dog and using more baby powder on your head than your baby.

Old Normal=Dinner date nights with hubby.
New Normal=Nothing in the fridge, take out that hubby brings home, most of the time eating it so fast we can't speak, make eye contact or barely breathe.

Old Normal=Movie/Dinner Dates.
New Normal=No Dates.

Old Normal=Pedicures/manicures/ tan/hair color on a regular basis.
New Normal=Chipped off painted nails /ghostly white/nasty hair.

Old Normal=Feeling stupid for praying about a test or something that seems very insignificant.
New Normal=Praying for things like poop and knowing that God knows how important it is.

Old Normal=Norman's the baby.
New Normal= We have a dog?

Old Normal=Love
New Normal=Indescribable, Neverending, Selfless, Powerful, Close to Perfection, God-given L-O-V-E

Old Normal=Brandon and Caitlin
New Normal= Brandon and Caitlin Plus One

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