Monday, December 26, 2011

5 Months Old

My tiny little baby boy, I can’t believe you are 5 months old. You have been such a blessing in my life. Through the ups and downs I have cherished every moment with you. I know you are growing so fast and as much as I love to see you develop, it is bittersweet. I know I will blink my eyes and you will be a big boy. Here are some things about you at 5 months old.

-You just celebrated your first Christmas. You were the best present of all.

-You love to chew on your hands. I can’t keep them out of your mouth, not even to give you a bottle!

-You are starting to hold your head up. You wobble still at times but I can see a huge improvement.

-You are reaching and grabbing for toys and your bottle. Great coordination!

-You are smiling all of the time now. (You especially like to smile at mommy)

-You have been up and down with weight but you are around 12 and a half pounds now.

-You are 24 ¾ inches long.

-You are starting to venture into 3-6 month clothing. (We just have to roll up the sleeves and pants a few times.)

-You talk and coo to mommy as if you are holding on a conversation.

-You eat 4 ounces every 2 ½ to 3 hours.

-You are still not sleeping through the night. You go down around 8:30 and wake up at midnight and 3. You get up for the day around 6. (Mommy is very tired these days, but I am holding out hope that this is temporary and you will sleep for longer periods once you feel better.)

-Speaking of feeling better, you have been a little sick this month. You have had a cold, an ear infection, the stomach flu, and an allergic reaction to your formula.  This resulted in a 4-day stay at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. Despite your sickness you remained in a pretty good mood (with an occasional meltdown). I am grateful for the wonderful doctors who helped you.

-You are still not rolling over, but you are very close. I expect to see that in the next few weeks.

-You still LOVE to cuddle.

-You are still dependent on a pacifier to go to sleep.

- You are an observer. You sit quietly and watch people, as if you are trying to take it all in.

Owen, I have had the time on my life with you these past 5 months and I am looking forward to watching you grow each day. I love you very much! I am so blessed that God gave me you!
Love, Your Mommy

Look how you have grown!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how he is loved!! He is a blessing to all his family. We love him sooo!
