Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

Another year, come and gone. 2011 was a year that changed my life in the best way possible. I am, however, looking forward to 2012. First solid foods (see below), first laughs, first steps, first birthday, first words. A year of firsts are coming our way. How exciting! Brandon, Owen, and I rang in the new year at home. Owen is still a little under the weather (double ear infection, and still congested). We had dinner and then watched the ball drop with our friends the Bullingtons. I have never had such a hard time making it to midnight, but we did. Even Owen stayed up! I snapped a few pictures (of course).

Owen has started on some solid foods. We had tried rice cereal last month but he showed his typical signs of an allergic reaction each time we gave it to him. So we decided to skip cereal all together and jump to pears. After a few days of a learning curve (the spoon thing throws him off) he is becoming quite the little pro. He gets so excited when I put him in his Boppy seat . He knows what is coming. He smiles and leans forward with an open mouth. We are still working on the chewing/swallowing aspect but he is getting so much better. I hope this slow introduction to food helps turn his eating habits around. He has never been a big "eater" due to his allergies to so many things. Fingers crossed- so far so good with the pears. Here is Baby O enjoying his pears!

Yum. Yum.

One last thing- www.themaynords.blogspot.com is now just www.themaynords.com 
You can still visit our blog the old way but we are now a registered domain through google. Share it with your friends. My New Year's Resolution is to... loose weight, save money, volunteer

Happy 2012 from our family to yours! 

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