Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Doctor Update

Brandon and I took Owen to 2 different doctors yesterday. Our first stop was to Dr. Brady at Old Harding Pediatrics in Nashville. Owen has been off of his previous antibiotics for less than a week and his ear infection came back full force. He has had a fever and is coughing non-stop. Dr. Brady confirmed that indeed the ears were still yucky and referred us to an ENT at Vanderbilt for a consultation regarding tubes. I am hoping this procedure is sooner rather than later. I hate that my baby is always pulling at his ears in pain. He had a breathing treatment done as well because he was a little wheezy. He didn't care for this but Daddy let him watch Sesame Street on his phone and it distracted him enough to make it through the 10 long minutes. He is on a new antibiotic now to buy us a little more time before the ENT Consultation. 
Here is Owen getting his breathing treatment done. 

After that appointment we went to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital to see Dr. Anderson the Gastroenterologist. We talked to her about Owen's food allergy history and we tracked his weight from birth to the present. He is gaining an average of 17 grams per day. The average baby gains between 20 and 30 grams. She decided to up his calorie intake again to 27kCal. (up from 20kCal) Hopefully this will help him to catch up. She instructed us to enter Owen's weight every other week into the VCH data bank online. This way she can track it until we see her again in March. He is in the 3rd percentile for weight for a 6 month old. While we are happy he is back on the curve, we would like for it to be slightly better. 

Owen weighed 14 pounds 1 ounce and is 25 1/2 inches long. (75th percentile for height!

All in all I can say we had a productive day and I feel we are definitely on the right track. I can not believe my little baby will be half a year old tomorrow. Time flies when you are madly in love I suppose. I am working on a post for his half birthday, so stay tuned until tomorrow!

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