Friday, January 13, 2012


During our stay at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital we were referred to a service called TEIS (Tennessee Early Intervention System). The doctor there said that their services might benefit Owen in his developmental delays. I had spoken to an agent for TEIS on the phone last week and we set up an appointment for them to come screen Owen to see if he qualified. He had to show a delay of 25% in two areas or a 40% in one area. (The areas include motor, communication, cognitive, social, and adaptive) I was torn between whether or not I even wanted Owen to qualify. On one hand maybe this will help with his delays, but in the other hand, I don't WANT him to be delayed. I decided to do the only thing I could, I put it in God's hands. We met with Mr. Hall on Wednesday and.... OWEN PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS! He was only slightly delayed in his motor skills. (Nothing that some more tummy time can't help). Thank you Lord for your blessing everyday. 
The only way I can keep Owen somewhat happy and
 entertained on his tummy is by letting him watch
 Sesame Street on my iPad. Hilarious. 


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