Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 Months Old

Dear Owen,
Wow, where have the months gone? How has half a year passed already since we first met? I know you don’t remember our first moment together, but I will never forget it. You were only seconds old when I first held you. In those first minutes, I promised to protect and love you unconditionally.
Owen, the day you were born was the best of my entire life. Bringing you into this world made me believe that I really can do anything. It confirmed the feeling in my heart that the reason God put me on this earth was to be a mother. I looked down at you that hot July day and felt for the first time that I had my answers. You were the thing I needed, that missing reason in my life. There was no more wondering who I would become in life or what my legacy would be… I am Owen’s mommy.
Your first six months of life have not been without their challenges. We have searched for answers in visit after visit and test after test at the offices of various doctors and specialists (A Gastroenterologist, Nutritionist, Physical Therapist, Otolaryngologist, and Ophthalmologist to be exact). We have tried to make sense of conditions that we never anticipated. Despite these things, you are a healthy, VIBRANT, little boy.
Whenever worry creeps in, I hear God saying, “I have BIG plans for this tiny boy” and I believe with everything inside of me that he will watch over you and help guide us through.
Owen, I know that what lies ahead of you is so great that my heart nearly burst with anticipation for your future. Who will you grow up to be? I look forward to the day the whole world can see and know the plans God has for you.
Whenever I look at your little face, your beautiful blue eyes, your beaming spirit, and your brilliant smile, my heart melts.
Happy 6 month birthday, Owen Harris Maynord!
Love your biggest fan,

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! Michael said he lit up when he saw him this morning with a huge smile. He did the same for me I knew he must be feeling better. Time will pass quickly..enjoy each moment.
