Thursday, January 15, 2015

NICU Day 51-Bumps in the Road

Annie is doing well but we've had a few small bumps in the road. I found out today that she has Stage 1 ROP in her right eye. While this typically resolves without intervention, it's not something a momma wants to hear. We will have a follow up test in 2 weeks to see if anything has changed.

Also, Annie has had several Brady spells over the past few days. Bottle feeding is now at a stand still until these stop- and we all know that bottle feeding is our ticket home. This is agony.

These are classified as small setbacks, but they aren't to me. I want more than anything to get her home. I sit quietly and rock my girl day after day. I know this NICU stay will eventually end (even though it doesn't feel like it). Moms (and Dads) have to be strong. We push on. We ask a million questions. We analyze every little thing that the doctors say. We cry a little (well maybe a lot). We rejoice in the small stuff (who knew I could love diaper changes so much?). We pray. We thank God for this precious little life He has given us.

I've heard that the last leg of the journey is the hardest and longest. That is proving to be true. The days are blending together and there are times that I feel like I might loose my mind. However, we push through and mark yet another day off the calendar- a day closer to going home.

Mommy and Annie snuggle time.

Swollen eyes from her eye exam. It was awful. We both cried.

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