Saturday, January 3, 2015

When are we going home?

Annie is doing great! She is well on her way home, it will just take completing 3 big steps. While these steps don't happen overnight- she is getting closer everyday.

Step 1- Breathing/No spells- Annie must wean off of oxygen all together. Today the doctors took her off of vapotherm and put her on regular oxygen without the pressure that the other gave. She is on room air, so really she isn't requiring much of anything in that department. However, Annie must be "spell free" for several consecutive days. These spells include heart rate and breathing spells. A "Brady" spell is when her heart rate and respiratory rate drop significantly. Unfortunately Annie is still having about one of these spells a day (caused from what nurses and doctors think is reflux). While this worries me, the doctors are very reassuring in that a lot of preemies outgrow this by about week 36 or so. I am praying that these resolve soon.

Step 2- Maintaining Temperature- Annie must be able to wean from her heated isolette to an open crib while maintaining her body temperature-all while continuing to gain weight. This process starts at about 1800 grams. Annie is 1740 grams today. They said they would slowly start the weaning process this week. If any of you are wondering what 1740 grams is in pounds/ounces... 3 lbs. 13 oz. and gaining everyday!

Step 3- Bottle feeding- this is the biggest step of all. Annie will have to take all of her feeds from a bottle and continue to gain weight. Until now Annie has been too premature to know how to do the "suck-swallow-breathe" skill. It is just about time to start. The doctors want her to start the bottle/breastfeeding journey this week. It will start out as a very small amount (like a teaspoon) and go up as she is ready. Her feeding tube will be left in and the feeds will slowly transition to bottle. Only Annie can control his step. I pray that she "gets it" and is successful.

It's been 39 LONG days since Annie made her way into our lives. Our journey to get her home is definitely not over. Annie has some big hurdles to overcome. However, I am starting to see the light at the end of the (sometimes very dark) NICU tunnel! Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers! Now here are a few pictures of our sweet girl.

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