Tuesday, January 20, 2015

NICU Day 56

Annie had another great day! I did not go to the NICU today. I came back to town to run errands and clean the house like a mad woman! Why--you ask? Dr. Markhum (Annie's doctor for the next 2 weeks-replacing Dr. Plosa) said that we needed to finish up any loose ends at home. That means that our Annie girl is coming home VERY soon! She has been spell free for 3 days. She is weighing in at 5 pounds. Plus they are weaning the feeding tube! (This is what is keeping her there at this point) They are letting her "take the wheel" as far as bottle feeding goes. Dr. Markhum gave us the go ahead to feed however much she'll take in a bottle (until she tires out) and tube feed the rest. She has been taking about 30ml out of 45ml per bottle. She's getting there! So as soon as she can wean herself from the feeding tube...home it is!

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