Monday, January 26, 2015

NICU Day 62

Happy 2 months to our sweet girl! How are we celebrating?? A sleepover for mommy and Annie! Since our brave baby had her 2 month vaccines today, I decided to stay overnight in her room to give her extra cuddles. She did very well during her shots. She only cried for a few seconds. What a fighter she is.

Annie has taken all (yes ALL) of her bottles by mouth today. Woohoo!! She is still having some Brady spells related to feeding and reflux. Hopefully she can work through these little hiccups and we can go home soon. I have to remind myself daily to be patient with her. We will go home, it will just be on her timeline... Not mine. I am so incredibly proud of her and how far she has come.

Happy 2 months!!

She loves her swing.

Bottle time!

Gotta burp.

Bright eyes.

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