Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dear Annie

Dear Annie,

I sit here in the Vanderbilt NICU (your home for now) day after day and stare in wonder at the miracle of you. Your body is so tiny. I watch as you work so hard to breathe. Your monitors give me comfort and scare me to death all at the same time. My heart jumps every time an alarm sounds. As much as I like looking at your sweet face, I wish you were back inside of me. Safely nestled without the wires and the machines. I trust that God's timing is perfect, but it's hard not to question. Why did this happen to us? I feel guilty that my body didn't provide you what you needed- forced into this world too soon. The doctors are as reassuring as they can be, but the truth is that no one can tell us what our future holds-what victories or struggles lie ahead. However, I am thankful that you are safe and that God is in control. So for now I sit and I watch at the wonder of you, my tiny little miracle girl. I love you sweet Annie.
