Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sweet Annie

Well it is not "new" news that our sweet Annie girl is here...very early. I plan on sharing her birth story on the blog soon. I am still piecing together the whole ordeal. There is a lot of it in which I was not coherent/conscious. I want to go ahead and start sharing our NICU journey though. Annie has already changed so much in just 7 short days. So before anymore time gets away here we go...

NICU Day 1- Annie was admitted at 27 weeks. She weighed 2 pounds 5 ounces at birth. This day was mostly devoted to breathing. She was placed on a bubble cpap machine to give her oxygen.

This was the first picture taken of our sweet girl.

NICU Day 2- I met her for the first time when she was about 30 hours old. I barely remember it but I do remember I was nervous.

Ignore the hair and the puffy had been a rough couple of days.

NICU Day 3- The ventilator is placed to help give her some breaths. With her body being so tiny, she was forgetting to take breaths. This machine reminds her. She also got some lung meds to help open her up a bit. She is under her "tanning lights" as well.

This is one of my favorite pictures of her because you can see her fuzzy little head.

NICU Day 4- The ventilator is removed and the bubble cpap is put back in place. She is breathing great. She lost some weight which was to be expected... She now weighs in just under 2 pounds. She's still under her tanning lights but we managed to snap a few pics with them off.

Just relaxing...

NICU Day 5- After some breathing spells, the ventilator is put back into her lungs. Her oxygen levels were just "okay" without it and the doctors wanted to use precaution. She is doing most of the breathing work on her own, but could use the added help. Her feedings are at 3ml but she's not digesting as much as they'd like. A good first poop could really get things going.

Trying to open those eyes.

NICU Day 6- The doctor gave Annie a little help in the poop department and she had her first "almost" blowout diaper! Yay for poop, right?! Her feedings are upped to 5 ml but she's still not digesting as much as they'd like. Her ventilator was removed again and she is back on the cpap machine. Oxygen levels are a little above regular room air and for the most part she's handling it great. They also took her off the tanning lights for the time being. They said its common to have them removed and then back on. It just depends on her "levels". The biggest news on day 5... I got to hold my sweet Annie for the first time. I was terrified and over-the-moon ecstatic all at the same time. She is so tiny that I barely feel her but I can feel her warmth. Best day ever!

NICU Day 7- More poop! Whose tired of me using that word?! Haha. She's tolerating her feeds a little more. She is still at 5 ml each feeding. And she gained a whole ounce! She's officially a 2-pounder again! I held her for an hour again today. It was fabulous. Annie is a week old!

NICU Day 8- Annie had a brain ultrasound done to check for any bleeds. Everything came back normal! She even grew an entire centimeter and gained 10 whole grams! Those may be tiny measurements but tiny is a lot when you're so small! Her feedings were upped again to 8 ml and she digested an entire feed with no residual. Yay Annie! I held her for an hour again today. She had a little breathing spell towards the end which completely freaked me out. The nurse said she was just "too comfortable", needless to say she went back into her isolette immediately. It made me nervous. Overall, a great day for Miss Annie!

Holding mommy's thumb. She may look like a little old wrinkled man, but I think it's the cutest face ever.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the update Caitilin we have been praying for u guys every night! so glad to hear she is doing so well! Please let me know if there is anything that we can do!
