Saturday, December 27, 2014

Merry Christmas!

The song "I'll be home for Christmas" has a whole new meaning to me now. One thing I've learned this year is that home is where my babies are. And while they are in two separate places today, this has to be the most memorable and special Christmas I can remember. It's not the presents (while I got some awesome things!) that made the impression this year, it was seeing my two children and thanking God they are both on this world and healthy.

Looking back, I imagined being big and pregnant this year during the holidays, and soaking up the last Christmas with Owen as an only child. Things didn't end up like that...they turned out even better than I could have ever imagined.

Sure it's not an "ideal" situation to have my brand new baby girl away from me tonight, the night of her first Christmas. However, I sit here typing, and watching my big boy play with his Christmas gifts in the floor. Sure my heart is breaking in two, but I find relief knowing that Annie is tucked safely in her bed at Vanderbilt. I will call (like I do every night) to say hi to her nurse, check on her weight gain, and give myself peace of mind.

It won't be long until I'll be at home watching my big boy play in the floor...with my tiny girl tucked in my arms. Until then, I remind myself that I am blessed beyond measure to have two babies to call my love, to kiss, and to hug. It really is a Merry Christmas.

Daddy holding Annie for this first time on Christmas Day.

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