Sunday, July 31, 2011

Owen's Birth Story

July 26, 2011

6 AM: Brandon and I went to the hospital  Tuesday morning. We checked in and went to our Labor and Delivery room. A nurse came in pretty quickly and gave me an IV of fluid and said that Dr. Gernt would be there soon to break my water. 

7 AM: Dr. Gernt comes and breaks my water. (ouch) I am already 4 cm dilated. (almost halfway already) At this point I am not having any contractions. Nurses are coming in asking questions and getting blood work, etc. 

8 AM: The nurse starts my IV of Pitocin. This is the medicine that starts my contractions. I start feeling them right away. (even though the monitor doesn't show that I am having lied) I tell the nurse that I am ready for an epidural ASAP. Why Wait? 

9 AM: The anesthesiologist comes in and gives me the epidural. This was pretty intense because I was having killer contractions the entire time he was digging around in my spine. It didn't take long for me to feel the effects. My feet felt warm and I felt really dizzy. 

10 AM: I am feeling very nauseous and I tell the nurse. She said it might be that my cervix has changed alot so she checks me. I am at 8 cm.

11 AM: I am feeling a ton of pressure. I don't know how to describe it except that I needed to do something about it and quick. I tell the nurse and she checks me again. I am 9 3/4 cm dilated. It is almost time. She prepares the table and all of our family leaves the room. I am getting very nervous at this point and I start to tear up. 

11:15 AM: It is time to push. The lights come down from the ceiling and I get into position. I think Brandon and I are both a wreck at this point. We are about to become parents. 

11:20 AM: I start to push. After 2 pushes the nurse said "I can see his head, he has hair!" She tells me to stop pushing and wait for Dr. Gernt. Wow, was it hard to stop pushing. Dr. Gernt comes in with all kinds of excitement (I needed it at this point because I was starting to freak out a little bit)

11:35 AM: I am BURNING...Dr. Gernt says "We have to get these shoulders out! Give me all you have!" I do. I pushed with everything I had. 

11:40 AM: I met Owen for the first time. I cried with relief and excitement. I was overwhelmed with emotion. He is perfect in every way. 

One last picture before I start to push. I think you can see the nervousness on my face. 

Meeting my little man for the first time. 

He is perfect, and doesn't even cry. 

We are looking at each other. 

Sweet boy.

Everything looks great. 

I watch them as they clean and check him.

Healthy baby.

Proud Daddy.

How much does he weigh?

6 pounds 1.2 ounces

19 3/4 inches long

I am so happy. 

I love that you can see him in the background.

I love him with everything in me. I am so blessed to be a mommy to the most beautiful baby. 
We are doing very well and I will have more pictures very soon. 
Love, Caitlin

Thursday, July 28, 2011

He's Here...

Owen Harris Maynord 
Born July 26, 2011
11:40 AM
6 pounds 1 ounce
19 3/4 inches long

He is PERFECT! Everyone is doing very well.
 We will update when we get settled in. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Prayer...

Lord, I believe you created Owen. You know him already, before I have even seen him. You love him so much and I pray that you will show me how to love him the way you love him. Lord, keep Owen healthy. Protect us during this delivery. Place your hands upon us and your arms around him. Keep him safe as he comes into this world. Thank you for blessing me with this miracle.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Am I ready to be a mommy? With every ounce of my body!

Well, the time has come! I am so filled with excitement and anxiety I cannot even begin to explain. We are leaving tomorrow morning for the hospital to meet our little boy. The emotions that come along with the realization of the fact that by tomorrow Brandon and I will be a mommy and a daddy is completely indescribable. God has outpoured his amazing love on our family, and we feel that we have been blessed beyond belief.

In the past 9 months I think I have prayed more than I have my entire life, and those prayers weren't even for me. They weren't even for someone that I have met. They have all been for this little life that God gave me. He chose ME to be his mom.

I sometimes feel overwhelmed with thinking "Can I do this?" or "Am I going to be good enough for him?" He deserves so much and I pray that God helps me to be exactly what he needs.

I don't know if we will have a chance to update until Baby Owen finally arrives. Please pray for us as a family! Thank you for your support, we love you all so much!

Much love,

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Owen,

I hope that you will always know that your mommy and daddy are on your side. Even when we seem upset or frustrated. We want to give you everything you deserve.

I hope that your childhood will be joyful and when you look back you will only have happy memories. May you play and run and make believe and be young as long as you want.

I hope that you will always trust me and be open to tell me anything. I pray you will NEVER be afraid to talk to me. Whatever it is...we will fix it together...we will go through it together.

I hope that as you grow, you will always stand up for what you believe in. Never let others sway who you are and how you believe. Be strong enough to sometimes be different. Difference is what makes you extraordinary.

I hope that as you grow, you will strive to be a gentleman. May you always keep your words kind and respectful, your thoughts pure, and your mouth clean.

I hope that you will have a big heart that loves and shows love to everyone. May you always be willing to help and give to others no matter what.

I hope that whenever you make a mistake (because you will), you will be quick to realize what you have done and ask for forgiveness. Even when you don't want to admit you are wrong, may you put your pride aside and be humble enough to say you are sorry.

I hope that you never pick on or ridicule others. Always remember to put yourself in their shoes. If you are the one being picked on, then pray for that person or those people no matter how hard it is.

I hope that whatever struggles you go through in your life, may you know that God will NEVER leave your side. May you learn from each struggle and become a stronger man because of it.

I hope that you will have friends that God places in your life that uplift you and are "true" friends.

I hope that when the time comes to marry, that you will be a respectful and patient spouse that loves his wife and family through and through, who strives to protect and care for them.

I hope that no matter how far away you decide to go from home and your family... may you always know where you came from...may you plant your roots on solid ground.

I hope that you will always know the importance of family. Your daddy and I love you more than ANYONE in this world. We always will.

I hope that you will know just how special you are to me. May you never forget that you are the most important thing in my life and no matter how much I mess up, I promise to always try to be my best.... for you.

I hope you know that I would give my life for you and I haven't even met you yet... may you know that I already love you more than anything or anyone in this world and over these past 9 months, not a day has gone by where I don't thank God for what He has given me. I thank God for you Owen.

I love you and can't wait to meet you and hold you for the first time.

All my love forever and always,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

4 Days... and counting!

Good news! I am being induced on Tuesday morning at 6am! My blood pressure has returned to normal so they have lifted the "strict bedrest" to light activity only. However, the BEST news of all is that I am already 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced (thinned). Plus the doctor said Owen was VERY low so there is a good chance I might go before Tuesday. If not, only 4 more days! I am very happy with this report. I will keep updating with any changes. :) I am leaving you with a very LARGE belly photo. 38 weeks!
Love, Caitlin

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In the Bed

Well being the over-reactor that I am, I went back to the hospital last night because of a headache. Dr. Gernt told me if I felt different to not hesitate and go in to be checked. Brandon and I went around 8pm. My blood pressure was a little high but it didn't take long for it to return to normal. They sent me home but not without telling me that I am being put on bed rest until delivery. I can only get up to go to the restroom! It has only been a few hours and I am already bored! I know that it is best for Owen though. Luckily Brandon's work is letting him off the rest of the week to be with me. I go back to the doctor on Thursday for another check up. It is getting close!
Love, Caitlin

Friday, July 15, 2011


I went to Labor and Delivery this afternoon for observation. Good news... my blood pressure went back down to completely normal and Owen's heart rate is perfect. I will return to the doctor on Monday at 8:30 and hopefully I will know more. I have to admit, I was getting a little excited thinking about Baby O arriving but I think another week or so to bake is probably best. I will update with any news! Love, Caitlin

High Blood Pressure

I had a doctors appointment today and Dr. Gernt said that my blood pressure was high (180 and something- I can't remember) She sent me to the hospital for blood work and I should be hearing something by this afternoon. Last appointment I had to be monitored for Owen's dipping heart rate and this time for blood pressure. I think it is getting close to time! I go back on Monday morning to the doctor for a blood pressure check. I will update when I hear something! Wish us luck :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ladies and Gentleman...

I would like to present to you... OWEN'S NURSERY! I love just going in there and sitting. Everything is done, clothes and blankets are washed, bedding is up, now all I need is my baby boy!
Love, Caitlin

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Crib is up!

My wonderful husband and daddy-to-be putting up Owen's crib this weekend. The nursery is looking like a nursery finally! I can't wait...only 3+ more weeks until Baby "O"!
Love, Caitlin

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Juila's 1st Birthday Party

Over the past week I got to see my family from Texas. We were lucky enough to help celebrate Julia's 1st birthday party. She is too cute for words. I have started to think about what Owen's 1st birthday party will be like. The planning wheels have already started to turn. It is never too early, right?
Love, Caitlin