Wednesday, May 15, 2013

We're Back in Blogging Business!

I took a little hiatus from the blogging world. Whether intentional or not, it was much needed. The school year is coming to a close. Less than 2 weeks left. It seems as though when things start to wind down and the weather becomes warmer... my schedule explodes. I am not complaining, I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's see... it has been a whole month since I last posted so I will try to update on anything worth updating...

First and foremost, Owen is doing GREAT! It occurred to me yesterday that we haven't been to the pediatrician's office in almost TWO whole months. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a huge accomplishment. We did however go to the nuero-geneticist last week. Awesome news! He said in his "professional and experienced" opinion that there was not a thing in the world wrong with Owen. PRAISE THE LORD! He saw no need to do a repeat MRI (another prayer answered) or genetic testing. He said some kids are just a little delayed from birth but eventually catch up, most of the time by age 3. According to the doctor, the delayed myelinaiton that showed up on Owen's first MRI has most likely corrected itself by now. Also, this delay is usually due to lack of fat in the brain. Apparently fat insulates the myelin and without enough of it, the process is delayed.

Does everyone have a light bulb going off in their brain like mine did? Owen had the hardest time gaining weight for the first year of his life. No wonder he didn't have enough fat in his brain. Let me reassure you, the weight gain is coming with ease now. Our little porker eats us out of house and home. I mean... He.Never.Stops.Eating!!! As a momma, nothing gives me more joy than to see him shovel any and every kind of food into his mouth. (See the Mexican restaurant trip below) He still crinkles his nose at fruits and veggies (I give him the fruit and veggie pouches to make up for that- he loves them and it gives me peace of mind) but he really loves to eat. Speaking of that... his current weight tops the scales at 25 pounds!!! Now I know compared to most kids his age, that's not that big, but for our little guy, who only weighed a mere 20 pounds at 17 months old, it is fabulous! Way to go Owie!

My second Mather's Day was last week, and I had some of the best lovin' from my sweet guy. He is definitely a mommy's boy. I made his daddy take some "Mother's Day" photos. He wasn't the most cooperative. He wanted down so he could play ball...surprise, surprise! Regardless, I'll cherish those photos forever.

I am including some pictures and videos to catch up on the past month. Thanks for reading, even though I know I am not the most punctual when it comes to posting lately. Forgive me?

Goofy Kid! Covered in chocolate...

Blowing bubbles with daddy...

Owen LOVES Mexican food. He ate almost the entire plate. (Except what hit the floor)

Mother's Day with my sweet boy!

"Owen, What does a Tiger say?" I love the way he does this. We crack up every time. 

My child has a love for vacuuming. I wish I did.