Monday, January 30, 2012

God Gave Us You

One of Owen’s favorite (my favorite) books to read before bed is called, God Gave Us You. It is a sweet little book about a momma and daddy bear that tell their cub the story of how he came to be. It goes on to say that God had picked the cub out especially for the momma and daddy bear. After we read this book (and I fight the tears that come every time I read it) I always whisper in Owens ear “God gave us you”. 

At night when we are in the nursery sitting in the big chair together, we study each other’s faces. I’ve looked at him so long, I feel as if I should know the number of lashes on his lids and the name of the exact color of the blue that fills his eyes. He touches my hands over and over again, looking so closely at every finger. I know that there will come a day when Owen will be a big boy and we won’t have those moments as often. I try so hard to slow down time. As tired and grumpy as I get, I take a moment and think about the special bond that sleepless hours have given us. 

God gave me Owen because he knew that was what I needed. He is what my life was meant for and I will spend the rest of my days telling him how deep my love is and how special my first baby boy is to me. He has changed everything and I am so blessed God gave him to me. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Its official!

Owen gets tubes on February 10th! I think this will make a world of difference for the little guy. We are thrilled :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 Months Old

Dear Owen,
Wow, where have the months gone? How has half a year passed already since we first met? I know you don’t remember our first moment together, but I will never forget it. You were only seconds old when I first held you. In those first minutes, I promised to protect and love you unconditionally.
Owen, the day you were born was the best of my entire life. Bringing you into this world made me believe that I really can do anything. It confirmed the feeling in my heart that the reason God put me on this earth was to be a mother. I looked down at you that hot July day and felt for the first time that I had my answers. You were the thing I needed, that missing reason in my life. There was no more wondering who I would become in life or what my legacy would be… I am Owen’s mommy.
Your first six months of life have not been without their challenges. We have searched for answers in visit after visit and test after test at the offices of various doctors and specialists (A Gastroenterologist, Nutritionist, Physical Therapist, Otolaryngologist, and Ophthalmologist to be exact). We have tried to make sense of conditions that we never anticipated. Despite these things, you are a healthy, VIBRANT, little boy.
Whenever worry creeps in, I hear God saying, “I have BIG plans for this tiny boy” and I believe with everything inside of me that he will watch over you and help guide us through.
Owen, I know that what lies ahead of you is so great that my heart nearly burst with anticipation for your future. Who will you grow up to be? I look forward to the day the whole world can see and know the plans God has for you.
Whenever I look at your little face, your beautiful blue eyes, your beaming spirit, and your brilliant smile, my heart melts.
Happy 6 month birthday, Owen Harris Maynord!
Love your biggest fan,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Doctor Update

Brandon and I took Owen to 2 different doctors yesterday. Our first stop was to Dr. Brady at Old Harding Pediatrics in Nashville. Owen has been off of his previous antibiotics for less than a week and his ear infection came back full force. He has had a fever and is coughing non-stop. Dr. Brady confirmed that indeed the ears were still yucky and referred us to an ENT at Vanderbilt for a consultation regarding tubes. I am hoping this procedure is sooner rather than later. I hate that my baby is always pulling at his ears in pain. He had a breathing treatment done as well because he was a little wheezy. He didn't care for this but Daddy let him watch Sesame Street on his phone and it distracted him enough to make it through the 10 long minutes. He is on a new antibiotic now to buy us a little more time before the ENT Consultation. 
Here is Owen getting his breathing treatment done. 

After that appointment we went to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital to see Dr. Anderson the Gastroenterologist. We talked to her about Owen's food allergy history and we tracked his weight from birth to the present. He is gaining an average of 17 grams per day. The average baby gains between 20 and 30 grams. She decided to up his calorie intake again to 27kCal. (up from 20kCal) Hopefully this will help him to catch up. She instructed us to enter Owen's weight every other week into the VCH data bank online. This way she can track it until we see her again in March. He is in the 3rd percentile for weight for a 6 month old. While we are happy he is back on the curve, we would like for it to be slightly better. 

Owen weighed 14 pounds 1 ounce and is 25 1/2 inches long. (75th percentile for height!

All in all I can say we had a productive day and I feel we are definitely on the right track. I can not believe my little baby will be half a year old tomorrow. Time flies when you are madly in love I suppose. I am working on a post for his half birthday, so stay tuned until tomorrow!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Owen and LIlly

"Owen and Lilly sittin' in a tree"
Owen met his girlfriend, Lilly, last night. They were so precious. It looks like they are thinking...
"Are we REALLY doing this right now?"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Project Embroidery!

I bought my very first embroidery machine a couple of weeks ago. Between feedings and diapering I have made a few little things. I thought I would share. They are definitely not professional, but I am working on it. 
Owen sleeping with his new blanket.

"Owen" Bib

bib for baby Jackson Henry Bullington

"Owen" Blanket
blanket for baby Lilly Charlotte Worsham
"Lilly and Owen" blankets

Friday, January 13, 2012


During our stay at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital we were referred to a service called TEIS (Tennessee Early Intervention System). The doctor there said that their services might benefit Owen in his developmental delays. I had spoken to an agent for TEIS on the phone last week and we set up an appointment for them to come screen Owen to see if he qualified. He had to show a delay of 25% in two areas or a 40% in one area. (The areas include motor, communication, cognitive, social, and adaptive) I was torn between whether or not I even wanted Owen to qualify. On one hand maybe this will help with his delays, but in the other hand, I don't WANT him to be delayed. I decided to do the only thing I could, I put it in God's hands. We met with Mr. Hall on Wednesday and.... OWEN PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS! He was only slightly delayed in his motor skills. (Nothing that some more tummy time can't help). Thank you Lord for your blessing everyday. 
The only way I can keep Owen somewhat happy and
 entertained on his tummy is by letting him watch
 Sesame Street on my iPad. Hilarious. 


I was just thinking...

I was lying in bed last night after Owen had fallen asleep and I listened to his sweet little “squeak” in the monitor. As I laid there listening to him, I thought to myself “I hope he never grows out of this” (even though I know he probably will). That little sound gives me a sense of peace. The sound reassures me that he is close. That little sound, that use to worry me, has imprinted itself deeply onto my being. I hear him in my dreams, when I am at work all day, in the background of every song on the radio. I hear him in silence. It is the very best sound in the whole wide world. I was just thinking...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

A whole month!!!

It has been an entire month since Owen has been to daycare. While I am experiencing my anxiety all over again, I know he will be ok. It has been so nice to have him at home and taken care of.

He will be dropping down to part time starting this week.
Here is his schedule:
Monday: grandmother
Tuesday: daycare
Wednesday: grandmother
Thursday: daycare
Friday: grandma

He is so blessed. (and so are Brandon and I) he is all packed up and ready to go!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

Another year, come and gone. 2011 was a year that changed my life in the best way possible. I am, however, looking forward to 2012. First solid foods (see below), first laughs, first steps, first birthday, first words. A year of firsts are coming our way. How exciting! Brandon, Owen, and I rang in the new year at home. Owen is still a little under the weather (double ear infection, and still congested). We had dinner and then watched the ball drop with our friends the Bullingtons. I have never had such a hard time making it to midnight, but we did. Even Owen stayed up! I snapped a few pictures (of course).

Owen has started on some solid foods. We had tried rice cereal last month but he showed his typical signs of an allergic reaction each time we gave it to him. So we decided to skip cereal all together and jump to pears. After a few days of a learning curve (the spoon thing throws him off) he is becoming quite the little pro. He gets so excited when I put him in his Boppy seat . He knows what is coming. He smiles and leans forward with an open mouth. We are still working on the chewing/swallowing aspect but he is getting so much better. I hope this slow introduction to food helps turn his eating habits around. He has never been a big "eater" due to his allergies to so many things. Fingers crossed- so far so good with the pears. Here is Baby O enjoying his pears!

Yum. Yum.

One last thing- is now just 
You can still visit our blog the old way but we are now a registered domain through google. Share it with your friends. My New Year's Resolution is to... loose weight, save money, volunteer

Happy 2012 from our family to yours!