Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Allergy testing

Owen went for his allergy testing today. Turns out he is not allergic to anything. He has a mild case of what's called Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES). This is typically outgrown by 3 years of age. We are clear to start the dairy process over with baby steps.

Here is a link about FPIES I found informative: http://allergies.about.com/od/foodallergies/a/fpies.htm

Let's hope it goes smoothly this time!

Monday, August 27, 2012


i haven't posted for a while. we've been kind of floored. chores, work, working on re-prioritizing some things, etc.

it has been eye opening. these past couple of weeks. i've felt so tired, so inadequate, so stressed and discouraged. and every time i've wanted to blog my many complaints ... i've deleted those posts.

why? not because stress and discouraging seasons are not a reality of life. but because when it comes down to it, i know that my life is full of grace, gifts and riches that i never even knew existed.

i confess, there are times when i want to close the door to the bedroom and shut everyone and everything out. this does not make me a bad person, i know. but i feel guilty regardless. 
being a mom is hard. having little sleep and little time and a transformed life is an adjustment. sometimes i feel like i can't be the wife or friend i want to be. but i have to step back and think, i GET to be a mom. i GET to have an amazing job of taking care of owen. he is healthy and vibrant. i GET the privilege of raising him. we have family and friends who love him like crazy and who i know will always be there for him.

our lives, though imperfect at times, is really all my dreams coming true. when i sit down and tell God how grateful i am for that, somehow i just have to delete my complaints. everyday matters seem to dissolve when i look down at my growing boy and realize that this life is a blessing. 

i am humbled by people, both near and far, who have much harder days than me. bigger struggles. and people who i don't even know who leave me speechless because they give up everything for others and act like it's no big deal.

i have very little to complain about. and even though this blog might not reflect it, i am truly a complainer. today, i am resisting the urge to complain and by His grace I have a lot of thankfulness in my heart. i realize that my life is filled with Love so amazing, and i am thankful to Him for every ounce of it.

.my little blessing.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fruits and Veggies!

A little Owen update... He is doing great and back to normal. No blood in stool and white blood count was back to normal at the doctors appointment on Tuesday. His little bottom has cleared up too! He is on a strict diet of fruit and veggies (along with Elecare formula) until we can go to the allergist on the 28th. So pretty good news for the moment!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Doctor update

I took Owen back to the doctor yesterday for what I thought was thrush. He has a diaper rash that is indescribably terrible and has has very loose stools for a little over a week now. We did not see Dr. Brady though. The doctor we saw tried to send us home saying it was just a virus and the rash was "probably for no reason". I had flashbacks... I knew something was wrong with my baby and we were being sent HOME?!? I (and Grandmother) insisted it was something serious and not to send us away. Long story short, his stools contained blood and mucus again. The little bit of dairy we had been instructed to give is reacting with him. Therefore the allergy (that "normally" goes away around 1 year) is still hanging around. We are waiting in more cultures to determine what bacteria is in his system. We are also going to an allergist on August 28th where they will do a prick test to see what foods he is allergic to. While a life without milk, soy, butter, yogurt, and all of the items made with those ingredients will be difficult, we will get through this. It seems nothing is ever easy. Your prayers for all of us are appreciated.

Monday, August 6, 2012

12 months stats

Owen went to the doctor on Friday. He weighed in at 18 and a half pounds and 29 inches long. Weight is still less than the fifth percentile but height is between 25 and 50th percentile. Still long and skinny! He is going to the allergist on August 28th to put the dairy allergy question to rest. This will not be a fun trip for him, but it will definitely be beneficial.

In other news... I signed the first "accident report" today at daycare. Owen was a victim of a little biter. It did leave a mark and it is red and swollen, but he will be ok. It didn't break the skin. I put hydrogen peroxide on it just to be safe. I was sad for him, but I have to remember that one day he may be the biter. These things happen. Ice and TLC.