Monday, November 26, 2012

15 month check up, etc.

I know, I know. I am posting about Owen's 15 month check up and he is 16 months old today. Better late than never, right? That's the motto at our house! It has been almost 2 weeks with no new posts. Excuses: craziness with the holidays, doctors appointments, traveling, the list goes on and on. So lets play a little catch up.

First off, Owen had his check up on Wednesday. He weighed in a 19 pounds 10 ounces and was 31 inches long. 25% for length and he is not on the chart for weight. He has not gained any weight in months. That it is concerning. (more on this in a minute)

He had drainage coming from his left ear= first ear infection since his tubes almost a year ago. Dr. Brady was not able to see if the tube was still in place because of the puss, infection, etc. He has ear drops that seem to be working well. Hopefully no antibiotics will be needed this time around.

We discussed his development. He is behind. We all know this. I though he was close to walking but its not looking so well. He can't stand unassisted yet, so walking by 18 months (which is like the deadline) seems next to impossible. Dr. Brady referred us to the Child Development Lab at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. We go next Monday.

We also discussed his "vertical ridge" on his forehead. I'm sure most of you have noticed it either in photos or in person. Apparently, it can be one of two things; 1. His little skull just happen to close up that way 2. There is fluid on or around his brain pushing it forward causing the ridge and possibly his balance issues.  We are going to a Pediatric Neurologist in January to look further into the cause.

Finally, we discussed his "failure to thrive" problem. His weight gain is slow and often times regressive. Just when we think we are going to reach 20 pounds he looses weight. Dr. Brady wants us to go back to GI to possibly do a scope to see what is going on. This issue really bothers me. I can't get my child to eat much of anything. He will eat snack on breads and crackers. He will eat baby food in pouches but not from spoons. He will not eat meat or vegetables. He turns his head and refuses them. Occasionally I can sneak a few bites in, but I am lucky if he doesn't spit it out the minute it goes in. I get so frustrated. Dr. Moore (our Pulmonary specialist) said that there is a possibility that he has silent reflux that we have missed along the way. He suggested a scope. Owen had one done when he was a few months old, but that was for his laryngomalacia. Dr. Moore also said that if it is in fact silent reflux, that could be the cause of his wheezing and congested breathing. We shall see.

OK, I feel like I have been very negative. I apologize. Sometimes it is just nice to see it all laid out. My son is amazing. He is the only person on this Earth that can make me laugh so hard without even talking. He is just plain funny. He loves his Mommy and Daddy so much. He loves to snuggle up in our laps and look at books, or watch Elmo. He dances, he laughs, he loves. He is everything I ever wanted. Sometimes I wish I could peek into our future for reassurance. He will grow up big and strong. He will shake his daddy's hand, he will bend down to hug me. He will play sports, and have cute little girlfriends. He will come out of all of this stronger than ever. I love that little man more than anything.

Moving on, Thanksgiving went well. We ate with Brandon's family on Sunday and mine on Thursday. I got on the scale this morning...MISTAKE! It was worth it. Good food, good times, 3 extra pounds. On Friday we avoided crazy shopping crowds and went to Big South Fork with The Bullingtons, for a little camping get away. He had a good time. Most of which consisted of sitting on the camper playing on the floor and watching Elmo. We did have a little campfire time when the little ones went to bed. Unfortunately, staying up late is a thing of the past for all of us. Although, Sunday was warm enough to go on a little walk.

Over the Thanksgiving break, I made little salt dough Santa ornaments with Owen's little handprint. They turned out really cute. I want this to be our new tradition...making ornaments for the Christmas tree!

This just about wraps up the latest news in our neck of the woods. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Our Sunday walk at Big South Fork. 
Owen loves to ride on his daddy's shoulders.

Owen's handprint Ornaments

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Videos...

Ok here are more videos of the little man that runs our house. This first one, he is taking bath. Have I mentioned he LOVES bath time? This child can be throwing the biggest fit known to man, and the minute I out him in the tub he is happy as a clam. (A little water-logged clam) When I ask him "Are you ready to get out" he clearly gives me an answer.

In the next video Owen is watching Elmo in his little chair. Elmo is still very important in our home. He is our snuggle pal, he makes us laugh and dance. Owen has started calling Elmo, "la-la". If you are familiar with Elmo songs, as I am sure you are (right? who isn't?), you know that sings "lalalala, lalalala, Elmo's World..." hence the name "lala". He points to the T.V. and says "lala! lala!" Very clever, Owen. I am in the process of trying to catch him on video doing it. It is too cute! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Oh this week...

    Our week has not been the most pleasant. Between Brandon and Owen being sick, we have missed a lot of work and a lot of sleep. Brandon is still sick, coughing and shortness of breath. Owen has some sort of virus, he has runny nose, coughing, fever, the whole 9 yards. We went to the doctor on Wednesday, where they sent us to Vanderbilt for observation. He tested negative for Flu, Strep, RSV, and pneumonia. So the verdict is "Virus". He seems to be feeling better as of today.

      We have been very lazy. The men of the house (Brandon, Owen, and Norman) are asleep right now. I caught up on housekeeping and laundry. And...I am ALMOST finished with Christmas shopping. Yes, that is correct. I have only 3 presents left to buy and I will be DONE, DONE, DONE! I have not stepped foot into a store this year. All presents were ordered online. I have found a new website called I earn cash back by purchasing items that I would have bought anyway. I set a budget, made a list of stores, gifts, and prices. One week later... Finished!

Well, not much else to update. I will leave you with a video of Owen and ketchup...

Monday, November 5, 2012

TTU Homecoming

Well we have been plagued with sickness again in the Maynord house. Brandon has been running a fever on and off since Friday afternoon. Sunday he went to the ER and they took some x-rays... apparently the pneumonia bug has bitten again, a different victim this time. Yes, Brandon has pneumonia. He is on plenty of meds, and is resting at home. Hopefully this passes quickly. We did go to the TTU Homecoming parade on Saturday for a little while. Owen seemed to enjoy it. (Last year he slept through the entire thing.) The drum lines startled him, but he loved the music. Here are a few pictures.

 Kyle and Brandon catching up.
 Catching a few zzz's before it started.
 Daddy and Owen watching the parade.

 The Bullingtons and Maynords

Kyle...pretending to hold a baby, man's best accessory!

TTU Homecoming
2011                     2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Say AHHH!!

Owen's newest thing is "show me your teeth!" He opens wide everytime. We have way too much fun!