Saturday, October 18, 2014

21/22 Week Bumpdate

How far along am I?  22 weeks 

Pregnancy Highlights so far: Brandon feeling and seeing little girl move. 

Weight gain? Yespounds. (Um...See below)

Cravings? Chocolate Oatmeal Peanut Butter cookies and a cold glass of milkhold on I'll be right back...

Gender: GIRL! Ok, we have been tossing around what we are going to call her when she gets here. Anna Katherine is the "official" name. For a few weeks we called her Anna Kate, now we have decided to just call her "Annie". It seems to fit, "Owen and Annie". If she comes out redheaded like her momma, we will just cue the song"The sun will come outtomorrow!" I always liked that movie anyway! So Annie it isfor now. :)

 Brandon can now feel her and see her move. I love this part because I can share those sweet little kicks and punches. I can definitely tell she is growing. Her movements are spread out far and wide!

Symptoms: Back pain and some heartburn still. Not that anyone really wants to knowbut my bladder is starting to interfere with daily activitiessleeping being one of those activities. 

Dr. Update: We will go back in a little over a week, so no update yet. 

 Baby is the size of a Pomegranate 

Baby is the size of a Papaya 
(weighing in at about 1 pound)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

19/20 Week Bumpdate

We are halfway there (give or take)!!! I can't even begin to express how fast this pregnancy is flying by! I have quite the "To Do" list to complete in 20 weeks. I am taking fall break to complete one task… POTTY TRAINING! It is going surprisingly well. I mean, he's only 3 and a half! (Insert sarcastic voice) Owen isn't verbalizing his need to go but he gets a panicked look and off to the bathroom we go. We are on day 2 and we have had less than 5 accidents. Im calling this one a success so far. Regardless, there are NO MORE diapers in this house (well until February) so he doesn't really have a choice. Go Owen!

Now on to the Bumpdate…

How far along am I?  20 weeks plus some days. Halfway there!

Pregnancy Highlights so far: Setting up the crib and changing table. (Thank you Melissa and Marty for the awesome gift!

Weight gain? Yepone pound. Halfway therelet the weight gaining commence. Ugghhh...

Cravings? Basically anything. I have been really craving chocolate milk for the past few weeks. I have no idea why. I typically don't even like chocolate milk, but I am drinking it like its going out of style!

Gender: Still a girl! We had our anatomy scan through Dr. Gernt's office last week. I walked in thinkingwhat if they tell us that AK is not a girl anymore eeeek! I told the u/s tech that we already knew the gender but wanted her to confirm it. She told us not to tell her what we thought it was and she would tell us what she saw. Well within 2 minutes, she said"Oh this baby is definitely a girl!" Thank goodness not that I wouldn't love a little boy, but you should she her closet already. HELLO PINK!!

 Movements are getting much bigger and my goodness is she active! She moves ALL THE TIME! I love it. 

Symptoms: Still a lot of back pain and the heartburn is starting to rear its ugly head. Yuck. 

Dr. Update: We saw Dr. Gernt last Monday for the big anatomy scan. AK was very active during the scan, i'll post pictures below. Her heart rate is still high, 167 bpm. Its probably because she is running a marathon in there! Everything looked perfect so far and she is measuring right on track, as a matter of factdown to the exact due date. We will go back to the doctor at the end of October. 

 Baby is the size of a tomato.
Baby is the size of a banana. 

Here are some videos of the ultrasound. They are a little blurry, but you get the idea :)