Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Doctor's Visit

Owen went to the doctor yesterday. He had his 2 month shots. I have a little trooper on my hands. He only cried for about 30 seconds and mommy was waiting with a bottle which soothed him immediately. (I am not looking forward to the days where he knows what is coming...eesh) He came home and slept for a few hours and then I put him to bed around 8pm. We had a pretty good night. However, I was making coffee at 4:30 am with a baby in my arms. Early to bed early to rise I suppose. He went back to sleep around 6am and is still sleeping.

Back to the doctor's visit- Dr. Treece said he was looking good, BUT...he is in fact allergic to Nutramigen. Apparently there is a small trace of soy oil in that formula and Owen's sensitive little belly picked up on it. (I am going to return all of our unopened cans and get diapers. Thank you to everyone who bought us Nutramigen.) So what is he on now you ask? (I am so glad you asked) Owen is on NEOCATE INFANT. This formula is very expensive at about $35 a can which lasts us 3-4 days. (Also, you can only purchase it online at This formula is amino acid based and has no trace of cow's milk or soy. It is our last resort. You can see the chart below and compare the formulas that we have tried. (Click to enlarge) I have high hopes that this will help our sweet little baby O. 
So if you were wondering..."All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...and Neocate formula".

Owen's 2 month stats: 
Weight: 9lbs. 14 oz. (I was hoping to reach 10 lbs. but that is ok, he is 15th percentile for weight)
Length: 22 inches (25th percentile for length) 

Owen is the love and joy of my life. He is so precious and sweet. There is really no better feeling than holding him and looking into his eyes. I am so blessed that he is a thriving, growing, and healthy little boy. (Allergies or no allergies)  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Owen Update

Owen had a scope done yesterday. This was slightly traumatic for me, Owen did not care too much for it either. (He cried and broke out in hives...poor baby) They took a small tube with a camera and went up his nose all the way down to his larynx. The consensus: Dr. Lawrence said it is in fact Laryngomalacia and that Owen should outgrow it by around 6 months. His vocal chords are perfect and the cartilage around his esophagus will need to harden over time. This is a big weight lifted off my shoulders.

As far as his formula feeding is going... we went back to the pediatrician yesterday as well. Owen is still having frequent crying spells everyday. He has developed a terrible diaper rash and he is not eating as many ounces as he was. (3 ounces now down from 4-5 ounces) BUT... Dr. Treece said that he might have been going through a growth spurt a couple of weeks ago and that is why he was eating so much. Good news is that he IS gaining weight. (Now he is 9 lbs. 8 oz.!) Turns out the diaper rash is a yeast infection and we are using a prescription cream and believe it or not it is already starting to improve. (within 24 hours) We are trying a reflux medicine 2 times a day to see if there is any improvement with the crying. So far it is about the same but I am holding out hope!

Owen is still up every few hours at night to feed. He went to bed at 8:30 last night and was up at 11, 2, 5, and 7:30 am. I know this will improve over time, and I do enjoy our "late night dates". His little face when he sees me pick him up from his crib is priceless.

Owen has brought me so much happiness and I love him so much. He does the cutest little things. His yawns, and sneezes, the way he holds my finger when he sleeps, and sweet little noises are adorable and perfect. I am so blessed to have such a precious, HEALTHY baby. We will get all of these small kinks worked out soon.

Here is my big guy:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mystery Solved...Mostly

Owen, as most of you know, has been having breathing issues since he was about 2 weeks old. It has progressively gotten worse. He makes a loud squeaking noise when he sleeps and he wheezes when he is awake. On top of this, for the last 2 weeks he has been crying almost non-stop. If he is awake he is upset. So this, along with his breathing issues, has been exhausting. I have shed alot of tears because I didn't know what to do for him.

I have been to 3 different doctors, had X-Rays done on his chest, and none have given me an answer I felt comfortable with. Last night, his crying and breathing were so bad, I was FED UP! I called and made an appointment to see Dr. Leslie Treece in a last ditch effort to solve this mystery. He has been a totally different baby for the past 2 weeks and I knew something was just not right. After looking over my little guy and talking through all of his symptoms, Dr. Treece came up with an answer. He has Laryngomalacia. (click to see more about this) It is not life threatening, but something that needs to be looked at. He is going to Vanderbilt in October to see a specialist. 

As far as the fussiness goes...Owen is allergic to cow's milk. I stopped breast feeding a week ago and Owen is on formula 100% now. I have been feeding him Enfamil Gentlease in hopes this would help his pain he seemed to be having in his belly. Well today he had blood in his stool at the doctor's office. We are now on Enfamil Nutramigen. All along he was allergic and I had no idea.

So...for all of you that have talked to me about your concerns when hearing Owen breathe and cry, you were right. There are some things we will have to address but he is going to be fine. I have faith he will grow out of this and his mommy is going to do all that she can to make sure this happens.
(another good link about Laryngomalacia)

My little guy at the doctor's office today:
He is 9 lbs. 2 oz. now!

Love, Caitlin

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome to my crib!

Ladies and Gentlemen...
Owen slept in his CRIB last night from midnight until 8 am! (we had a feeding at 3am) My secret?... the SUPER SWADDLE. (check it out by clicking on the words "super swaddle") I fed, changed, and swaddled and he slept like a champ! Mommy is so proud!

Here is my BIG boy.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

6 Weeks Old

I know I always say this, but I can't believe my little guy is already 6 weeks old! He is so precious and he is growing and changing leaps and bounds. Here are some new facts about 6 week old Owen:

-He loves "baby hot tub" time. This is where I put him in a little foam tub that fits in the sink and I run warm water over him. He falls asleep every time. It is so cute.
-He takes at least one nap in his crib everyday. This is a slow start to transition him into his room at night. My goal is sleeping in his crib by the time I go back to work. (Good Luck to me)
-He is becoming more vocal these days. His cries are louder and he also coos himself to sleep.
-He is sleeping in his bassinet all night now.
-He still nurses, but I have started to supplement with formula throughout the day.
-He still LOVES his pacifier.
-He is eating around 4-5 ounces every 3 hours. (This is an upgrade from 3 ounces every 2 hours.)
-He sleeps in 3-4 hour intervals at night and 1-2 hour intervals during the day.
-He toots more than he burps. :)
-He weighs 8 1/2 pounds!

Owen has made the last 6 weeks go by so fast but I have enjoyed every moment. 
I love him SO MUCH! I will leave you with some new photos.