Friday, October 28, 2011

We are still here...

I have to get better about time management!This blogging once a week is terrible I know. Owen has had a good week, however he contracted a virus at daycare and is home sick today with me. He had a fever of almost 102 and was congested and vomiting. HOWEVER, he seems to slowly be feeling better. We went to 2 doctors yesterday (one for his eyes-more on that later, and one for his fever) Basically we are going to let the virus run its course and keep giving him Tylenol and humidify his room. I have been giving him lots of Pedialyte as well. We have to stay hydrated! He will be as good as new soon.
Now for the eye appointment... structurally he is perfect (Praise the Lord). Dr. Morrison did agree with me though in that he seems to be somewhat delayed. It is in fact DVM (refer to previous post) and we go back in January for a follow up appointment where we should have a better grasp on exactly how delayed. (although Dr. Morrison said he thought Owen would probably catch up by then)
I ALSO missed Owens 3 month post last Wednesday. My *big* boy is growing like a weed! I will post pictures very soon.
3 Month Weight: 10.11 pounds (he has lost some with this virus)

Love you all!

Friday, October 21, 2011


I have not written in a whole week! My only excuse is that my life has been insane for the past 7 days. The transition back to work has been hard. Monday was Owen's first day of daycare. I cried like a baby. I cried all Sunday night, all Monday morning, while I dropped him off, on my way to school, and I even cried when I got to work. However, the joy of seeing him after I got off was amazing. He is doing so well. The teachers at daycare love him. They say he is their "Little Buddy" because he is the smallest baby in the class. (size not age) He sleeps in his crib unlike any of the others, they were impressed with that. He goes for strolls in the hallways with the other babies. The teachers take pictures to show me what all he has done. I hate leaving him but the girls that watch him are great. I know he is in good hands.

Our first day of school:

On another exciting note... he finally smiled! He has only smiled a few times at me but I know it is there. I even caught it on camera! It is blurry because those smiles happen quickly!

Friday, October 14, 2011


My days at home with Baby O are coming to an end. Come Monday we will both be going to school.As the day approaches I find myself with a knot in my stomach and a lump in my throat. I can't believe my maternity leave is over. I know some women say that they could never be stay at home moms due to the lack of adult interaction, I can honestly say I would be over the moon if I could freeze this moment in time. I would love nothing more than to be at home with Owen all day everyday. I am an emotional wreck and I have found myself awake at night trying to make time slow down. (it is not working and I am only exhausted as a result) 

So what do I do when insomnia sets in? I Pray...

"Lord Jesus please please please let my baby have a happy first day of daycare and fill him with a peace and a calmness and let him know that I love him more than he could ever know.  Please God fill his heart and soul with comfort and love and let him always know that his mommy's love is always with him even when I can't physically be,  because I will always be back for him!"

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

I am constantly praying for Owen, but God showed me through my desperate prayers that I need to stop my worrying and trust that He will fill MY heart with a peace and a calmness.  I need to know that God loves me and my baby more than either one of us could ever know.  I need to find my comfort in the fact that God will be there watching over my son, who is His creation... not mine...when I can't be there. AND I need to cast all my anxiety and worries on Him.

Deep stuff right!

So from this moment forward, I wipe away my tears, put my big girl panties on, and I say... "It's gonna be okay. We will be okay."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Here We Go...Again

I  remember my very first post on this blog was titled "Here We Go" in relation to the journey that lay ahead of me. The excitement of pregnancy, the anxiety of what was to come, the morning (afternoon) sickness, the cravings, etc. I have done this blog to keep my family and friends up to date on the little man that is my whole wide world. I have so enjoyed sharing my thoughts and pictures and I am sure you have thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts...right? :) Lately I feel like the only time I even write is to talk about doctors appointments. I will start by saying... THIS IS YET AGAIN ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE POSTS. They know me on a first name basis there now.

Before I go on I will share the first of a few *ADORABLE* photos of Baby O

Adorable, right? I know. Ok so back to the post, "Here We Go...Again"

Owen is 11 weeks old today! He is flourishing right before my very eyes. He has great head control, he talks to me (or at me), he sleeps great during the night. However, there is one thing he has yet to do, and that is smile. Now if you are like me and keep up with baby milestones you know that smiling is a social skill that should be happening around 6-8 weeks. Being my father's child (love you dad) I was/am worried. Why is he not happy or responsive to me? I spoke to Dr. Treece (FYI...she is FABULOUS) at our last appointment (he was 9 weeks then) and she said give it a couple of weeks. So naturally, I gave it 7 days. I called last Tuesday (Owen=10 weeks) to express my worry once again and she said "it was concerning but to give it a few more days". I did. It was torture. 7 more days. I called yesterday and Dr. Treece said for me to come in so she could have a look at my little guy. I think she could tell him not smiling was driving me insane.

Let's break up this LONG drawn-out post with another picture, shall we?

Ok back to what I was saying...We went to the appointment today and I explained how he was not looking at bright objects, he was not looking at my face, and he was not tracking.  Dr. Treece said first things first was to check his vision. She held out a bright colored toy in front of him and he did not track it, or even look at it for that matter. She did a light test on him and he didn't react to it. So her best guess was that he is either very farsighted or Delayed Visual Maturation (DVM). (Click DVM for more info)This is, according to her, very common. He may either be required to have baby glasses or to simply grow out of it.

Take a breath...ANOTHER PICTURE!!! 
Owen and his Grandmother

Back to the appointment...I am floored at this point. I mean really what else can this poor baby have to deal with? It seems as if it is one thing after another! The thrush, his allergies, laryngomalacia, diaper rash, tear duct obstruction, and now this! I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed in how this has all played out. And then I had a thought. Seriously Caitlin!?! You are SO INCREDIBLY BLESSED with this healthy, precious, gorgeous baby boy. There are so many children and parents out there that are going through situations that are unthinkable. This is simply a small pebble in the road, NOT a boulder.

Dr. Treece said that everything Owen has or had (the thrush and diaper rash are gone!) are things that she sees everyday. Just not all in one baby like Owen. (Her exact words) She immediatley referred us to the Tennessee Lions Eye Center at Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital (click for link)where they will check Owen's vision and determine the cause of his delay. We are waiting to hear back from the referral consultant for our appointment date. 

His motor skills are on track and he is gaining weight and length (refer to the bottom of the post for exact numbers-they are good!). I have been told to put down the books and stop reading about where my baby "should be" because every baby is different. However, I want to know every little detail and I want to over-react because I am the only one that can speak for him. He is far to little to tell us what he needs or what is going on in that sweet little round head of his. This is my job and I take it very seriously. I know in my heart that Owen will look up at me very soon and give me the great big toothless smile I so desperatley need to see. He will just do it on his own time. Nevertheless, I will pool up in a puddle of love when he does. I look at him and I see my reality check. He is perfect in my eyes. God gave me this baby and I could not be happier.


Happy note!
Owen Harris Maynord
11 week stats:
Weight=10 pounds 9 ounces  (20th percentile)
Length=23 3/4 inches (73rd percentile!!!!)


 Sorry for the novel of a post. I promise next time it will NOT be about a doctors visit...hopefully :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011