Thursday, March 28, 2013

20 months old

20 months? What? I almost had to double-check to make sure that was right! It's going to be time for another birthday before we know it! (Don't worry, I've already started planning!) Here is an update about our little guy. 

Owen's favorite...

Pancakes, Sausage, any bread product, chicken nuggets, french fries, veggie straws, fruit pouches, and lets not forget, Coca-Cola!
Barney, The Gumdrop Song, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jelly Man Kelly by James Taylor, Seven Little Monkeys
Playing with Yelling at Norman , reading books, playing with your kitchen, listening to music, taking pictures of yourself with the iPhone, dancing, singing, hiding from Mommy and Daddy, playing chase, throwing a ball.

You are all over the place. You walk and run, and this month I have even seen you jump! You "graduated" from Physical Therapy because you had accomplished everything on the list. (We are so very proud) You are starting to talk a lot more now, too! Your words include: dog, Barney, ball, duck, Abby, baby, Minnie (as in mouse), Momma, Daddy, me (when referring to yourself), LaLa (Elmo), and bottle. These are the words you have mastered, but there are so many more you are working on. Mommy's new mission...the word PLEASE! You are very much a Mommy's boy, but no one can make you laugh and smile like Daddy. You are such a little lover. You cuddle and snuggle. You pat and rub us. It melts my heart. Your dad and I are so lucky to be your parents. You make us smile and laugh, and we love teaching you things! We can't wait to celebrate Easter with you in a couple of days. We think you'll love searching for Easter eggs in the yard. You truly are the most wonderful thing in my life. Sometimes I can't believe how blessed I am that you're mine. I love you, Owie! 
Love, Mommy

Playing in the box your kitchen came in. This is still in our living room. You love it.

What a difference a year makes!
March 2012- March 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I'll admit...I've been a blogging slacker. Shame on me. I would say there isn't much to catch up on, but I'd be lying. I have been on spring break for the past two weeks. Boy, has that been relaxing. However, it did not start out that way.
The Tuesday before last, Owen started running a temp. I watched him all day, his symptoms were: fever of about 102, coughing, runny nose, and slightly lethargic. Uh-Oh. See, I had booked a mini-vacation for Brandon and I. We were planning on going to Savannah, GA for 3 nights to a bed and breakfast to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary- while Owen stayed behind with grandma and grandpa. We had tours and reservations set up, the whole nine yards. We were scheduled to leave early Thursday morning. So by Wednesday, when Owen was not feeling better (as I assumed he would be), I started to worry. Not only about our trip, but about our little guy. Wednesday morning he was scheduled to have 2 doctors visits at Vanderbilt. We had a 2 hour "layover" between them. Brandon and I decided to take him to Dr. Brady (our pediatrician) so she could check Owen out. Really, to give us peace of mind that it was just a cold, and not to worry. Unfortunately, that was not the verdict.
As we were in her office, Owen spiked one of those crazy-high fevers of 104.4. He was not himself. She gave him breathing treatments and Tylenol. She checked his O2 stats. They were not great. Off to Vandy we go- per Dr. Brady. I cancelled Owen's second appointment of the day and we went to the ER. We waited, and waited...AND WAITED! After a little over 2 hours, they took us back. His O2 stats were good. He still had a fever but it was down to about 102. They gave him an hour long epinephrine treatment, followed by a 2 hour long albuterol treatment. These 2 treatments back to back caused him to be a little nauseous, he threw up- bless his heart. X-rays showed some cloudiness in his lungs... pneumonia- the reason his temp was so high.  Not this again!!
All seemed pretty standard as far as treatments go. Steroids, antibiotics, increased albuterol, the usual. I assumed they would send us home. By this point it was about 7 pm Wednesday night. I knew our Savannah trip was fading away, but at this point I just wanted little guy to feel better. He was wheezing. He was laboring. However, I have become so accustomed to this, I thought it wasn't so bad. Well the ER doctor said that Owen had something called Atelectasis. The little air sacs in his lungs called "alveoli", had become deflated. something that is common in people with asthma. When they go for so long with out deep breaths, the sacs do not inflate properly. They gave him "hyperinflation" therapy. This was scary. (you can click on the underlined links for more info) After this, we were informed that Owen was being admitted overnight for observation. I was surprised, but at the same time- its nice to know that they were concerned enough not to send him home. After one day of extra treatments and therapies- Owen was release. A very speedy recovery- praise the Lord!

Brandon and I will be going to Savannah in April. A little belated and a shorter trip that what was originally planned, but we are excited nonetheless. More than anything we are happy that Owen is home and happy and thriving. Asthma will not get him down! That little guy is EVERYWHERE. He is a great walker now. Crawling is by far a thing of the past. So many people say, "Oh once they start walking, its all over!" I have to disagree. I think he is so much fun now! (Not that he wasn't before) He is talking, and communicating, and so independent! I know I've said it before, but 19 months is my favorite so far. I plan on doing a monthly update when he turns 20 months. I can't believe how big he is! I am head over heels for that kid!!

Hospital pics:

A few Nashville Predators came to Owen's room at the hospital. He was asleep but momma and daddy enjoyed the visit!

The rest of spring break:
Cane Creek Park

Play date with Lilly:

Enjoying the sunshine!