Wednesday, October 31, 2012

3rd Annual Harris Halloween Bash

Here are pictures from the 3rd Annual Harris Halloween Bash in Spencer, TN. Every year we have a great time dressing up and visiting. This year we had some special friends join us, The Worshams. Lilly and Owen played so well together and put up with their crazy parents until 10 pm. They are good kiddos. Enjoy!

Friday, October 26, 2012

15 months old

My sweet little Owen. you are 15 months today! I can't believe how fast the time is going. The holidays are approaching so quickly and it seems like yesterday we were dressing you for your first Halloween. Wow. I have so enjoyed every stage you have gone through. While these last few weeks have been challenging, I absolutely love everything about these early toddler times. You want so badly to walk. I have said this before, I know, but MAN ALIVE you are so close. You took 3 steps this month. They were random and you haven't since then. However, your Daddy and I have a pool going, taking bets on when it will "click" in your head and you will take off. It will not be long! We love you big man!

Flashback Friday:
Bringing Owen home from the hospital. Look how tiny!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Monday Y'all!

Here are 2 new videos of our growing boy. Enjoy!
 Playing is some serious business!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Playing Catch Up!

Ok, its been a few days. Thought I would catch up on some blogging while the little man in napping. He has slept so well the last 24 hours. This could be good or bad, we will see....

Monday we went to a Pulmonary (lung) specialist. We spoke about Owen's medical history and he listened to him breathe. Dr. Moore said that he would not "diagnose" Owen with asthma because of his young age, but we are going to treat it like that's what it is. Owen is now on an inhaled steroid 2 times daily until further notice. We go back for a recheck in January. Hopefully the steroids will prevent any small respiratory viruses, that Owen picks up, from turning into full blown infections. (This is what has happened every time he gets one) The steroids will work as a preventative, not a solution. But hey, if it keeps us out of the hospital this winter, I think it is the right move. Owen has been feeling great for the past few weeks. No sickness since the pneumonia! Praise the Lord. He goes back to daycare Monday, so lets pray and have faith that he stays healthy.

P.S.- Owen weighs in at 19.4 pounds! Almost to 20!!!

As you read in the previous post, we have been busy busy busy this Fall Break! Brandon left on a work trip Monday and is still gone. He will be back tomorrow (Friday). We sure have missed him! We did get in a quick camping trip over the weekend in our NEW CAMPER!!! **Very excited about this** Owen had a good time, with only a few bumps and scratches. (Gosh these are becoming more frequent everyday!)

Owen, Lesley, Lilly and I went to back to Jumpville today. Owen was very sleepy and whined most of the time we were there but we still managed to snap a few cute pictures of the play date.

All in all, despite no big vacation over the break, I would say it has been a successful one. I have enjoyed spending time with my little guy. Here are some pictures from this week.
Enjoy! XOXO!

Home SWEET Camper
*The Grand Tour*

 Doorway looking into Kitchenette
 Kitchenette/Dining Table

(Typically those 2 things don't go together!)



 Now on to CUTER things!

Everyone have a fabulous weekend!!