I promise I have not forgotten about this sweet little blog. I apologize for being "MIA" for the past couple of weeks. I have taken a little vacation so to speak. We were dealing with quite a bit of sickness in our household. Owen, Brandon, and I all had the dreadful stomach bug. I thought I was dying. Poor Owen, he rolled around moaning and saying "mama" for 12 solid hours. It broke my heart into a million pieces. Good news, we recovered rather quickly.
A few days after that Owen picked up what I thought was a little cold, but is it ever that simple with that child? Um...No. What started out as a runny nose turned into a full blown asthma attack. He was laboring very hard to breathe and his little hands and feet were tinted purple. It scared me. He was at Vanderbilt for 12 hours under observation. They gave him continuous treatments of albuterol and epinephrine and weaned him from there. His oxygen stats dropped a few times, but overall we were comfortable with him coming home. The doctors, like I said earlier, called it an "asthma attack" brought on by a cold. He tested negative for RSV and Flu. (Thank goodness!) He is still on extra treatments as well as steroids and seems to be feeling a lot better.
Sunday, he was dedicated at church. We have wanted to do this for some time now, but it seemed that there was always a reason we couldn't whether it sickness or scheduling conflicts. Our ENTIRE family was there to support us. How much that meant to Brandon and myself! It was short and sweet. Owen was not entirely sure about the bright lights and stares, but he looked adorable nonetheless.
In other BIG news... while most of you have seen Owen take steps from one person to another, or a little toddle around the furniture. We couldn't call him a "walker" because he relied on crawling or scooting rather that walking. Well ladies and gentleman... Owen is officially a walker! It seems that he woke up Sunday and decided, "You know, I think I'll walk today!" Little stinker! I bet I took 2 hours worth of video. I am over the moon excited for him. He walks all over our house. He was even running last night!
Again, sorry it has been so long. Enjoy the pictures and video! Until next time!
In the midst of the stomach bug...pitiful.
My Little Love Bug was feeling really rough right after checking in at Vanderbilt.
He had a fever and oxygen stats were low. His little cheeks were very red.
Feeling a tad bit better! He is so stinkin' cute.
Nap? I don't need a nap!!! Little stinker!
Snoozin' on the way to church.
Baby Dedication Service
February 10, 2013
Owen starts walking!