Saturday, December 29, 2012

17 months old

It has been a while since I did a monthly update. I believe the last one was at 14 months. Well A LOT can change in 3 months! Here is a little about Owen at 17 months.

Motor Skills: Recap-At 11 months old, Owen started crawling.  Actually more hopping like a bunny than crawling, but it got him where he wanted to go. There were times we were slightly concerned with the way he chose to transport himself, but all is well! Little man started TRULY crawling like a “real baby” on his hands and knees not long after and began to get where he wanted to go (a.k.a. trouble) very quickly. Furniture cruising began at 11 months as well.

On December 18th, at 16 months, Owen took his first “real” steps unassisted. He has yet to gain enough balance to get going really well. His current record is about 10 steps. We continue to practice and encourage him everyday. We know he is delayed in this. Honestly, it is still bothering me. I am reminded though that he IS making progress. Everyday he gets a little better. This last stint in the hospital threw him for a loop, but he is working hard to make up for lost time. He definitely WANTS to walk, not crawl.

Teeth: Owen has an entire mouth FULL of teeth now (including incisors, molars, you name it) and BOY OH BOY can he take a chunk out of you if you try to count them.  He brushes them every night, and does a pretty good job at it by himself!

Bottles: Owen is still taking a 6-8 oz. bottle at this moment bedtime. Sippy cups accompany him the rest of the day. Weaning from the bottle is recommended at 15 months, but I think he is doing a pretty good job! He started holding his own bottle at 10 months. I can’t even remember the last time I held his bottle for him.

Sleep: I am going to take a moment and brag on our boy. He may be delayed in some things, but I could NOT ask for a better sleeper. Starting at 6 weeks he has slept in his own crib in his own room. Starting at 7 months he began sleeping through the night (10-12 hours). Now, at 17 months, he goes down for the night at 6pm and wakes at 6:30 am. I have to wake him for school at 6:30, however, since we have been on break, he sleeps from 6pm-8 am!

Owen’s “Monday-Friday” Schedule:
6:30 am- Wake-up (I sing his “Good Morning To You” song and he pops up out of that crib like a hot potato!)
7:00- Leave for School
8:00- Breakfast
8:30-10:30- Playtime, etc.
10:30- Lunch
11:00-2:00 Nap
2:00- Snack
2:30-3:30- Playtime
3:30- Time to go home
3:30-4:30- Elmo time, Mommy time
5:00- Dinner, Daddy time
5:30- Bath
6:00 pm- Bottle, Lullaby, Bed

Food: Our babe is a skinny boy and was switched to toddler formula at 16 months. After several nights of vomiting (whether formula related or not) his daddy and I got spooked and have taken him off all formula. He drinks Silk Almond Milk and water during the day. Since taking him off of formula, he has been eating up a storm! He is working on his fork/spoon skills, but sometimes the best way to get that food is to use our hands. (I'm right there with you, Owen) 

Owen’s Sample Menu:
Breakfast- favorites: jelly biscuit, fruit pouch, Almond Milk
Lunch- Nutella/peanut butter sandwich, fruit pouch, water
Dinner- chicken fries, cookie, Almond Milk
Snack- teddy grahams, Gerber puffs, goldfish
This changes daily***He’s nothing if not unpredictable!

Habits: Now onto our beloved paci…there really isn’t much to say except that he loves it. He is addicted, and we are fine with it. I suppose we will cross that dreaded bridge when we get to it. For now, I'm not worried. It has gotten him through some pretty tough times. We. Love. That. Paci.

Speech: He says: Momma, Dada, Ball, Dog, and Baa (which means Bottle/Sippy cup). Daddy and I understand what he is saying. He has his own way of saying these words, but we get it. We also have lots of constant babbling.

Owen understands many phrases we say and performs commands as well. Some favorites: give me five, waves hi and bye (A LOT), Where is??? (He can point to the object or person we say), pet the dog, love on____ (he hugs and pats what/who we tell him to), show me your teeth, close the door, push the button… really the list goes ON and ON. He is very smart.

He also can point to various body parts (head, ears, nose, eyes) and make animal noises (cow, horse).  Speaking of animal noises, Owens new obsession is farm animals. He loves his little caw, duck, horse, pig, and goat figurines. He can point to the animal we say and loves to listen to his See-N-Say that makes animal noises.

Personality: the BEST! We have a sweet, funny, sensitive, sneaky, loving little boy on our hands. He is extremely social, and definitely makes his mommy and daddy happier and laugh harder than they every thought possible. It is TRUE how much better my days are just to come home to his smiley, playful face. It is so hard to imagine what in the world life was like before him! I can tell you this, I don’t miss it… 99% of the time at least ;)

Loves: Elmo, dogs, looking out windows and waving, his grandparents, farm animals (fake-NOT real), pulling everything out of it’s container/basket/cabinet/drawer, “talking” on cell phones, drinking from a straw, letter magnets on the fridge, bath time, throwing things –especially while sitting in his high chair, riding in the car, music (of any kind), playing “Where’s Owen?”, being tickled, and dancing with mommy.

Dislikes: getting dressed, diaper changes, his inhaler, wearing socks and shoes. 

17 months stats:
Height: 31 inches (10-25%) 
Weight: 21 pounds (below 5%)

He is still our tiny tater tot!

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