Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy Due Date Annie!

February 25- The day that was deemed my due date back in early June. The day that I anticipated and planned for. The day that meant my little girl was ready to arrive. The day that has a whole new meaning to me now. Annie will be 3 months tomorrow- the day after her due date. Boy did God have some different timing than I expected. Our 78 day NICU stay is already becoming a distant memory for me now. I remember thinking as I was in the midst of that turmoil that we would never get to come home. Now here we are, almost 2 weeks in. I am soaking up every moment of having her home. The late night and early morning feedings are tiring but I love watching her eat. The sweet little noises and grunts that she makes melt my heart. She has completed our family more than she will ever know. Her early debut will absolutely be an experience that no one will ever forget, but that doesn't even begin to define how important she is to us. She has a purpose in life that I can't predict. God has big plans for our girl.

Annie is really a perfect baby. She rarely cries. She eats well and is on a great schedule. She is waking around 2-3 times a night to eat and she wakes happy in the mornings. Owen is my late sleeper so Annie and I have a couple of hours to ourselves before he wakes to entertain us. She is usually alert at this time so we talk over the morning cup of coffee. Owen is still getting used to the fact that she is always around. He doesn't mind her being here, but he isn't overly excited either. He enjoys watching her get a bath or having her diaper changed. He thinks it is funny when she has a "stinky" (typical 3 year old boy). We are forming a routine already. The routine that I longed for not even 2 weeks ago. My heart is so full. I want to say thank you to those that prayed and supported us through this whole experience. We finally made it to the other side. Oh happy day! Here are some pictures I have taken since we've been home. Enjoy!

He loves her…he says, "She is so cute!" in his little voice.

Watching over Annie

Checking to see why she was fussing
A little out of order- but here he is waiting to meet his sister for the first time. 

And here she is waiting to meet her brother- all dolled up. 

Our first "Family of 4" picture. 

Her first night at home. 

Annie wasn't so sure about her first doctors appointment. 

"What's that you say?"

Early morning snuggles. 

Watching her brother run around like a wild man.

Her daddy is pretty smitten. 

Hanging with my babes.

Snow fun!

Nap time…One of my favorite moments of the day!

I love her expressions.

She is the one thats tired??

Oh this child...

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